Nice to eat You Deathfest

Wann: 16.05. - 18.05.2024
Wo: 407 44 Chřibská (Tschechien)
Strasse: Kamenická 266
Genre: Death Metal, Goregrind, Brutal Death Metal, Grindcore, Blackened Deathcore, Grindgore, Technical Death Metal, Blackened Death Metal, Deathcore
Preis: VVK 1500 CZK

Livebands der härteren Gangart bietet vom 18. bis 20. Mai das Nice to eat You Deathfest im Kemp u Ferdinanda.

Beneath An Obsidian Sky, Centinex, Commander, The Creatures from the tomb, Capsaicin Stitch Rupture, Devine Defilement, Disgorged Foetus, Epicardiectomy, Fleshcrawl, Fleshless, F.O.B., Godless, Gut, Hour of Penance, Indecent Excision, Menstrual Cocktail, Minor, Mivedantal, Nervecell, Neurotic Machinery

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Nice to eat You Deathfest
Website: Nice to eat You Deathfest

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