Electronic Beats Festival

Wann: 06.03.2015
Wo: 82412 Bratislava (Slowakei)
Strasse: Vlčie hrdlo 1
Genre: Trip Hop, Electronic, Alternative Hip Hop, Electronica
Preis: VVK 14 Eur

We're super excited to announce that the line-up for our second event, taking place in Slovakian capital of Bratislava on March 6th, features Archive, Son Lux, Young Fathers and Adi Ulmansky.

That's one stylish bill right there.

The gig takes place at the Refinery Gallery. This is not the first time the EB Festival has touched down in Bratislava, we paid a visit to the city last year and in 2011—there's video evidence of what went down last time, just head to the bottom of the page. Consider your appetite whetted.

Archive, Son Lux, Young Fathers, Adi Ulmansky

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Electronic Beats Festival
Website: Electronic Beats Festival

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