Popadelica Festival

Wann: 07.05.2011
Wo: 56133 Huskvarna (Schweden)
Strasse: Stationsgatan 24
Genre: Gemischt

Popadelica is a one-day festival in the town of Huskvarna, twin city of Jönköping, right at the south point of lake Vaettern. The venue is Huskvarna Folkets Park, the atmosphere is filled with history. Celebrating our 6th anniversary 2011, this years festival will be a great one!
Welcome to see your favorite bands and to discover new ones!

Compadre, French Films, Little Marbles, Paper, Royal Republic, FM Belfast, Syket, Rebecca & Fiona, Tesla Boy, Jonathan Johansson, Niki & The Dove, Tiger Love, Graveyard, I’m from Barcelona, Tove Styrke, Veronica Maggio, Daniel Adams-Ray

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Popadelica Festival
Website: Popadelica Festival

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